Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): BamHI/HindIII--2.9, 1.5; BamHI/XhoI--3.6, 0.8; BglI--3.0, 1.4. Expression of ble (bleomycin resistance) is regulated by the promoter and terminator regions of the am gene (amination, glutamate dehydrogenase) from N. crassa. Shuttle vector conferring bleomycin and phleomycin resistance. Differs from pAB366 (ATCC 77134) by the insertion of a NsiI cloning site in the 5' untranslated region of ble to permit transcriptional fusion. The order of the major features in this plasmid is: pTZ19R - EcoRI - BamHI - am promoter - NsiI - ble - XhoI - am 3' region - HindIII - pTZ19R. |