The insert contains NcoI, XmnI (2), and PstI sites. Strain is noncapsulated and never reverts to encapsulated form. Should be treated as a class II biohazard. A 1.7 kb EcoRV/PstI fragment terminating at the PstI site near the distal end of the insert contains the DpnI-specific gene. The ATG for dpnC begins at nucleotide 227 from the EcoRV site and encodes a 30 kDa protein. The dpnD coding sequence, transcribed in the same orientation as dpnC, extend from approximately 1050 to 1500 bp from the EcoRV site. According to the published sequence, the limits of the genes are as follows: dpnC from 526 to 1041 and dpnD from 1038 to 1499. |